
Donald Trump vows to create an External Revenue Service

Donald Trump vows to create an External Revenue Service

The ‘birth date’ of the service, which will collect tariffs, duties and other foreign revenue, will be January 20

Implementation of a new VAT rate at forefront of Indonesian tax updates

Implementation of a new VAT rate at forefront of Indonesian tax updates

Jeklira Tampubolon and Julius Wahyu Daryono of GNV Consulting also summarise regulations concerning customs and excise bookkeeping and an import duty exemption for goods used in government projects financed by foreign loans and/or grants

This month in indirect tax: EU cuts VAT gap but more to be done

This month in indirect tax: EU cuts VAT gap but more to be done

Goods and services key to Africa’s tax revenue; electronic exemptions come to Europe; UK private school VAT challenge reaches High Court

Tax arbitration in Portugal: a success story in developing indirect taxation jurisprudence

Tax arbitration in Portugal: a success story in developing indirect taxation jurisprudence

Serena Cabrita Neto of Cuatrecasas explains how the Administrative Arbitration Centre’s ability to make preliminary references to the Court of Justice of the European Union has helped assimilate EU tax jurisprudence in Portugal

Brazil’s tax reform journey: a long road, with further challenges ahead

Brazil’s tax reform journey: a long road, with further challenges ahead

Fernando Silva of Vertex provides a guide to the ambitious transformation of Brazil’s complicated tax landscape, and says careful navigation will be required to negotiate dual VAT and phased implementation

Priming SEZs for global competitiveness: the Indian perspective

Priming SEZs for global competitiveness: the Indian perspective

Raghavan Ramabadran, Krithika Jaganathan, and Nirupama Shankar of Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan explore the tax benefits available to businesses under India’s special economic zones framework and the practicalities and challenges of the SEZ Online system